
As a developer I want to get a feel of what it is like to create an AI solution using langgraph for a well known usecase of QA based on website content. I want to explore the following:

  1. Jump start the solution (e.g., using ready solution templates)
  2. Extending the solution
  3. Debugging the solution
  4. And finally deploying the solution in cloud

Langgraph had a ready template for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solutions. So I started with that and extended it for my specific requirements:

  1. Crawl from starter_urls list within a certain number of hops to build vector index
  2. Use open source vector DB - Milvus as a retriever

Here’s a snapshot of how I modified the template solution.

Enhanced configurations LangGraph studio UI


Create a new project using langGraph’s retrieval agent template

Install the LangGraph CLI

pip install langgraph-cli --upgrade

Create a new app from a template

langgraph new

Create new langraph app using retrieval agent template

Enhance the configurations

Add starter_urls, and hops to IndexConfiguration in Let’s also add a method to get the list of urls from the comma-separated starter_urls string.

    starter_urls: str = field(
            "description": "Comma-separated string of starter URLs to crawl for indexing web pages."

    hops: int = field(
            "description": "Maximum number of hops to traverse pages linked to the starter URLs."

    def parse_starter_urls(self) -> list[str]:
        """Parse the starter URLs into a list.

            list[str]: A list of URLs parsed from the comma-separated string.
        return [url.strip() for url in self.starter_urls.split(",") if url.strip()]

Let’s also add milvus to retriever_provider list

    retriever_provider: Annotated[
        Literal["elastic", "elastic-local", "pinecone", "mongodb", "milvus"],
        {"__template_metadata__": {"kind": "retriever"}},
    ] = field(
            "description": "The vector store provider to use for retrieval. Options are 'elastic', 'pinecone', 'mongodb', or, 'milvus'."

Enhance to add Milvus (lite) retriever


Let’s begin by adding langchain-milvus as a dependency in pyproject.toml


Let’s add a new method to create a milvus retriever in

def make_milvus_retriever(
    configuration: IndexConfiguration, embedding_model: Embeddings
) -> Generator[VectorStoreRetriever, None, None]:
    """Configure this agent to use milvus lite file based uri to store the vector index."""
    from langchain_milvus.vectorstores import Milvus

    vstore = Milvus (
        connection_args={"uri": os.environ["MILVUS_DB"]},
    yield vstore.as_retriever(search_kwargs=configuration.search_kwargs)

and then use this in the factory method

def make_retriever(
    config: RunnableConfig,
) -> Generator[VectorStoreRetriever, None, None]:
    # ... same code as before

    match configuration.retriever_provider:
        # ... same code as before
        case "milvus":
            with make_milvus_retriever(configuration, embedding_model) as retriever:
                yield retriever

        case _:
            # ... as before


For milvus lite we’ll use the following file uri to store the vector index:

## Milvus

Note: While Milvus Lite (file based URI) worked fine on MacOS, it didn’t work on Windows :(. Here’s how I worked around that for windows:

  1. Installed Docker Desktop.
  2. My windows machine has Nvidia GPU, therefore, I downloaded the milvus-io/milvus/deployments/docker/gpu/standalone/docker-compose.yml. As an alternative one may use the standalone/docker-compose.yml (without GPI).
  3. Run docker compose up -d to downloaded all the required images and start the container. This starts milvus standalone along with its dependencies etcd and minio. From this point on I used the docker destop to check logs, or stop / restart milvus as I needed.

In this case we’ll set the following milvus standalone URI:


Enhance index_graph

Out of the box implementation of index_graph (in expects as input all the documents to be indexed. Since we are enhancing the graph to include an ingestion pipeline that crawls starting at the specified URL, we’ll modify the index_docs node to kick start the crawl if docs list in the state is empty and starter_urls configuration has been provided.

async def index_docs(
    state: IndexState, *, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None
) -> dict[str, str]:
    # ... as before
    with retrieval.make_retriever(config) as retriever:
        # code to kick start crawl if required
        configuration = IndexConfiguration.from_runnable_config(config)
        if not and configuration.starter_urls:
            print(f"starting crawl ...")
   = await crawl (configuration)
        # rest remains the same as before
        stamped_docs = ensure_docs_have_user_id(, config)
        if configuration.retriever_provider == "milvus":
            await retriever.aadd_documents(stamped_docs)
    return {"docs": "delete"}

Add the following functions that wrap around the new Crawler component

async def crawl(configuration: IndexConfiguration):
    tenant = configuration.user_id
    starter_urls = configuration.parse_starter_urls()
    hops = configuration.hops
    allowed_domains = set(urlparse(url).netloc for url in starter_urls)
    crawler = WebCrawler(starter_urls, hops, allowed_domains, tenant)
    await crawler.crawl()
    return [
        Document(page_content=get_file_content(page["local_filepath"]), metadata={"url": page["url"]})
        for page in crawler.crawled_pages

def get_file_content(file_path: str) -> str:
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:


The Crawler component uses playwright, which uses headless browsers. Let’s add playwright & requests as dependencies in pyproject.toml.

Just adding playwright package to the python environment is not sufficient. The headless browser, and its dependencies also need to be installed. So we need to run playright install, and playwright install-deps as well.

Note: You may use LangGraph Studio app on mac, using docker to locally deploy your graphs. In this case playwright install and playwright install-deps need to happen in the docker. For that we’ll add the following to langgraph.json

"dockerfile_lines": ["RUN pip install playwright", "RUN python -m playwright install", "RUN python -m playwright install-deps"],

Windows issues with playwright

While my Crawler component worked well on MacOS, Playwright event loop on windows doesn’t play well with asyncio event loop used by LangGraph. I wasn’t able to resolve playwright issues on Windows. On windows, LangGraph Studio app is not available as well, so instead of docker, I was using langgraph-cli for local deployment of langgraph api.

I added an APIfy based crawl to Here are the enhancements:

# new imports
import json

from langchain_community.utilities import ApifyWrapper

# ... existing code

def apify_crawl(configuration: IndexConfiguration):
    tenant = configuration.user_id
    starter_urls = [{"url": url} for url in configuration.parse_starter_urls()]
    hops = configuration.hops
    apify = ApifyWrapper()
    loader = apify.call_actor(
            "startUrls": starter_urls,
            "saveHtml": True,
            "htmlTransformer": "none"
        dataset_mapping_function=lambda item: Document(
            page_content=item["html"] or "", metadata={"url": item["url"]}
    print(f"Site: {tenant} crawled and loaded into Apify dataset: {loader.dataset_id}")

    return loader.load()

# ... existing code

async def index_docs(
    state: IndexState, *, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None
) -> dict[str, str]:
    # ... as before
    with retrieval.make_retriever(config) as retriever:
        # code to kick start crawl if required
        configuration = IndexConfiguration.from_runnable_config(config)
        if not and configuration.starter_urls:
            print(f"starting crawl ...")
   = apify_crawl (configuration)
        # rest remains the same as before
        stamped_docs = ensure_docs_have_user_id(, config)
        if configuration.retriever_provider == "milvus":
            await retriever.aadd_documents(stamped_docs)
    return {"docs": "delete"}

# ... existing code

I changed default values for parameters saveHtml, and htmlTransformer because, OpenAI embedding models understand HTML very well, and the clean up performed by html transformer loses some useful information.

Index State

The index_docs node (in takes IndexState (in as input. Let’s add the following logic in the reducer function (reduce_docs) to empower the user to ask for crawl.

def reduce_docs(
    existing: Optional[Sequence[Document]],
    new: Union[
        Sequence[dict[str, Any]],
) -> Sequence[Document]:
    if new == "crawl"
        return []
    # rest if as before

With this enhancement, the user may just set docs to "crawl" as follows: User triggers crawl